Teacher Jobs in Aliwal North

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Teacher Assistant  

SDC - Aliwal North, Maletswai Local Municipality, Joe Gqabi District Municipality, Eastern Cape, 9750, South Africa

As a teacher assistant, you will provide support to the teacher in charge of a classroom. Your duties include creating lesson plans, documenting progress, and overseeing lesson preparations, amongst others...

from: freerecruit.co.za - 4 days ago

English Teacher  

Alliwal North

English Teacher - Aliwal NorthFull job descriptionBenodig Afrikaans of Engels sprekende afgetrede of huidige onderwyser wat Engels en Wiskunde kan aanbied in Aliwal Noord of naby in die omgewing.SACE Registrasie...

from: justthejob.co.za - 15 days ago

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