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Job offers in
Dis-Chem Pharmacies
During the past 12 months Dis-Chem Pharmacies has published over 2,180 job offers and currently has 145 job openings on JobisJob.
The top 2 categories where Dis-Chem Pharmacies tend to post job openings are Retail with 38.7% and Health with 31.4% of all their job offers.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Pharmacist and Basic Qualified Pharmacist Assistant.
The employment type most offered at Dis-Chem Pharmacies is Permanent.
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Cosmetic Cashier - Westown Square (New Store)
3610 Durban, South Africa
2302 Secunda, South Africa
Casual Cashier - Gateway - Umhlanga Ridge
4319 Umhlanga, South Africa
Cashiers - La Lucia Mall - La Lucia
4051 Umhlanga, South Africa
Post Basic Qualified Pharmacist Assistant- Bracken Gardens- Fixed Term
1448 Alberton, South Africa
2302 Secunda, South Africa
Post Basic Qualified Pharmacist Assistant - North Cape Mall - Kimberley
8301 Kimberley, South Africa
Cosmetic Consultant - Scott Street
4180 Scottburgh/Umzinto North, South Africa
Store Cleaner (Fixed Term) - Westville Junction
3629 Westville, South Africa
1685 Midrand, South Africa