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Job offers in
Managed People Solutions (Pty) Ltd
According to our data, Managed People Solutions (Pty) Ltd has published 449 job offers during the past 12 months and there are currently 28 live job listings on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the Sales category.
The job title with the most openings from this company during the last 12 months has been Merchandising program | Managed People Solutions.
The employment type most offered at Managed People Solutions (Pty) Ltd is Permanent.
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Latest Job Offers
Syndicated Merchandiser FTC | Managed People Solutions | Cape Town | Plettenberg Bay
6929 Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
Training and Compliance Officer | Managed People Solutions | Johannesburg
2100 Johannesburg, South Africa
Material Handler | Meridian Wine Distribution | Cape Town
7400 Brackenfell, South Africa
Driver Code 10/14 | Meridian Wine Distribution | Brackenfell | Cape Town
2100 Brackenfell, South Africa
Merchandiser | Managed People Solutions | Alberton
1450 Alberton, South Africa
Production Manager | Managed People Solutions | Midrand | Gauteng
Not specified
Gauteng, ZA
Junior Merchandiser | Managed People Solutions | Alberton
Not specified
Gauteng, ZA
Junior Merchandiser | Managed People Solutions | Alberton
1481 Alberton, South Africa
Junior Merchandiser | Managed People Solutions | Tygervalley Cape Town
7530 Cape Town, South Africa
Junior Merchandiser | Managed People Solutions | Makro Alberton
Not specified
Gauteng, ZA