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Job offers in
Mirna Butler Recruitment
During the past 12 months Mirna Butler Recruitment has published over 500 job offers and currently has 76 job openings on JobisJob.
The top 2 categories where Mirna Butler Recruitment tend to post job openings are Sales with 21.2% and Finance with 20.2% of all their job offers.
The job title with the most openings from this company during the last 12 months has been Assistant Manager.
The employment type most offered at Mirna Butler Recruitment is Permanent.
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Last 12 months
Latest Job Offers
Practice Assistant, Bloemfontein From 6694 to 6694 (Basic) - Monthly
From 6694 to 6694 (Basic) - Monthly
Bloemfontein, South Africa, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Commercial Sales Consultant From 12k to 30k (Basic_comm) - Monthly
From 12k to 30k (Basic_comm) - Monthly
Bloemfontein, South Africa, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Debtors / Creditors / Administrative Clerk
Junior Graphic Designer, Bloemfontein From 8000 to 8000 (Ctc) - Monthly
From 8000 to 8000 (Ctc) - Monthly
Bloemfontein, South Africa, Bloemfontein, South Africa
SHE Manager From 7500 to 10000 (Ctc) - Monthly
From 7500 to 10000 (Ctc) - Monthly
Bloemfontein, South Africa, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Supervisor - Board Cutting and Edging From 10000 to 15000 (Basic) - Monthly
From 10000 to 15000 (Basic) - Monthly
Welkom, South Africa, Welkom Thabong, South Africa
Logistics Manager From 15000 to 20000 (Ctc) - Monthly
From 15000 to 20000 (Ctc) - Monthly
Bloemfontein, South Africa, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Personal Assistant (Labour Law)