Kay Solomon Staffing Services
Based on our internal data during the last 12 months Kay Solomon Staffing Services has published 135 job offers and are currently hiring to fill 22 positions on JobisJob.
The top 3 categories where Kay Solomon Staffing Services tend to post job openings are Finance with 17%, Administration - Clerical with 14.1% and Engineering with 14.1% of all their job offers.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Despatch Supervisor [Junior] R and INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER [JUNIOR] AUTOMATION SYSTEMS Negotiable & qualifications.
The employment type most offered at Kay Solomon Staffing Services is Permanent.
The employment type most offered at Kay Solomon Staffing Services is Permanent.
Searches related to this company
- Field Sales Representative
- Pharmacy Representative
- Professional Sales Representative
- Graduate Quantity Surveyor
- Industrial Automation Engineer
- Junior Quality Assurance
- Python Analytics
Horribly pushy
22 Mar 2018
Wanted to force me into a position i was not qualified for. Not recommended at all
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Environment where there are team work, and understanding from an payroll and HR function
12 Jan 2016
Address any e-mail, telephone queries, salary input.
Mostly what I've learned in a payroll position is that you need to enjoy working with people at all levels in order to be more productive in your function as an payroll administrator,understand their frustrations when salary problems occur to deal and response immediately, to be precise and accurate in your capturing of the payroll.
To be able to communicate with all management levels, and work in a team effort with your co-workers, I find the hardest part of the job is mostly when you do not have sufficient knowledge of certain functions on the payroll system, I enjoy mostly at the end of the month the satisfaction that my payroll is finalized in time and minimize errors occurred.
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