3 Site Operations Manager Jobs in Richards Bay
DEPOT MANAGER HR Genie - Richards Bay Diesel Tanks: Responsible for diesel storage tanks, diesel pipeline, pumps, filter banks maintenance. A career opportunity exists at REINHARDT TRANSPORT GROUP , NSELENI DEPOT, RICHARDSBAY for the position... More than 30 days ago
Workshop Manager ( Fitting & Turning Workshop) Square 1 Recruitment - Richards Bay, South Africa As Workshop Manager , you will lead a workshop team and oversee multiple repair and machining jobs at any given time. You will also step in as Site Manager when required for troubleshooting, issue resolution... 25 days ago
Project Technician - Pinetown/Durban (Electrical Construction) R25k pm+ (Depending on experience and qualification) R25k pm+ Adhoc Account - Empangeni - Richards Bay, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa Responsible to ensure vehicle, equipment and tool checks are carried out as required by the business and that all business property is handled responsibly and for the purpose of the projects and the business... R25k pm+ 18 days ago
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