3 Experience Required Jobs in Hluhluwe
Receptionist (Phinda Mountain Lodge) HR Genie - Hluhluwe Energetic, proactive person with well-developed concept of the importance of providing a world-class guest experience and the ability to provide that experience as per the company standards Lodge Daysheets... 9 days ago
Lodge Manager Hluhluwe Executive Placings - hluhluwe, KwaZulu-Natal The ability to coordinate the day-to-day operations of a camp to provide superior service and quality to the guests Understand and manage budgets, GPs and finances Implement and Follow the BOPS Problem... More than 30 days ago
Executive Housekeeper Executive Placings - Hluhluwe, The Big Five False Bay Local Municipality, Umkhanyakude District Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, 2952, South Africa At least 2 years relevant experience in a 5-star operation All housekeeping-related stock orders Management of the Laundry team 9 days ago
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